Type Of Conditions

Holistic Treatments for Lyme, Mold, Biotoxin, and CIRS

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At Mitogenesis in Scottsdale, Arizona, we employ a comprehensive and personalized approach to address the complexities of Lyme Disease, Mold Toxicity, Biotoxin Illness, and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). Our integrative methods are designed to treat the root causes of these conditions and support overall healing.

Understanding CIRS and our approach

Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) is a complex condition that arises from various environmental exposures, including tick bites (often associated with Lyme disease), contaminated fish, or contact with tainted water sources. These exposures trigger significant physiological effects, leading to systemic inflammation, cellular damage, and immune system dysfunction.

Systemic inflammation

CIRS induces a state of heightened systemic inflammation as the immune system responds vigorously to biotoxins, leading to widespread inflammation throughout the body.

Cellular damage

Biotoxins infiltrate cells and disrupts their normal function, affecting various bodily systems and contributing to the complexity of CIRS.

Immune system dysfunction

In its efforts to combat biotoxins, the immune system can become dysregulated, leading to a range of immune-related challenges and further adding to the intricacy of CIRS.

Multifaceted symptoms

The diverse nature of CIRS means that symptoms can manifest in many forms, including fatigue, cognitive difficulties, respiratory issues, and other systemic manifestations.

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and preliminary treatment

Given the intricate interplay of factors in CIRS, many patients also experience Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Our approach often begins by focusing on calming mast cell hyperactivity.  To achieve this, the following therapies are often recommended:

  • Botanical IV Therapy

  • Peptide Therapy

  • Photodynamic therapy

  • Neural Therapy

  • Herbal Medicine Supplements

  • And much more

Targeting Biotoxins

After stabilizing mast cell activity, we focus on the biotoxin itself. Dr. Mel will assess the best treatment protocol for your particular concern, creating a customized protocol that may include the following therapies:

  • Binders

  • Botanical IV therapy

  • Peptide IV Therapy

  • Vitamin and Nutrient IV Therapy

  • Peptide Immunotherapy

  • Extracorporeal Blood Ozone Oxygenation (EBOO)

  • Hydroxy Gas therapy

  • Ozone Therapy

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

  • Botanical Medicine

  • Nutritional and Dietary Therapy

  • Homeopathy

  • Low Dose Immunotherapy

  • Methylene Blue Therapy

  • Lymphatic Therapy (Flowpresso)

We believe in an individualized approach to holistic treatment!

No two individuals experience this intricate condition, identically, necessitating a bespoke approach to treatment. Factors ranging from epigenetic predispositions to unique environmental exposures intricately weave the tapestry of one's health.  Because of this, Dr. Mel meticulously crafts a treatment plan aligned with your distinct profile. This tailored methodology ensures that every facet of your healing journey is fine-tuned to address your specific challenges. 

Take control of your health today. Schedule your comprehensive health check at Mitogenesis in Scottsdale, Arizona, and experience the difference a personalized, integrative approach can make. Contact us at 480-781-4800 or visit info@mitogenesis.health  to book your appointment.

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